Many think that the sole purpose of the LEA is to negotiate contracts and settle grievances. That is only a small part of what we are all about. According to our LEA Constitution, the purpose of the LEA is: “…shall be to develop a high degree of professional excellence among the members of this association; to continue to work tirelessly for sound educational policies in the best interest of the students in our charge; to instill an allegiance to the Code of Ethics of our profession as adopted by the United Teaching Profession (UEP); to create in the community the image of the teacher as a true professional; and to cooperate with the National Education Association (NEA) and the Ohio Education Association (OEA) in promoting and advancing the causes of education..”
We represent your needs by:
-Sending representatives to: OEA Representative Assemblies, Member Lobby Days
-Sending a representative to the National NEA assembly
-Organizing mailings to elected officials to protect your STRS.
-Participation in Employee Council Meetings.
-Executive Committee meetings to meet and discuss concerns of our 420 members.
-Attendance at the Board of Education Meetings.
-Evaluation hearings( we have had many evals thrown out for the year)
-Grievance hearings
-Arbitration hearings
-Insurance meetings
-District Association Team meetings
-N.W.O.E.A. Representative Association meetings
-ALWYDIN meetings (Presidents from Allen, Wyandot and Hardin Counties
-We have gotten 12 teachers OEA attorneys for school related issues
-Saved 5 jobs due to evaluation errors