
Email Reminder
Please remember your school email is not private. Anything you do on the school computer is the property of the school and you can be held accountable for it. If you use a students name in an email it can be subpoenaed into court or by parents as school records. Also, if you book hotel rooms, purchase tickets etc. via school computer you can get in trouble for misuse of school property–seeBoard policy on computer usage on the web page. They monitor every site that is viewed. Chain letters should also not be forwarded on school mail as it clogs up the server. School email is school property and public record.

Also, some staff members are in trouble because they are NOT thinking. The use of  cell phones to text or call students can get you in TROUBLE. Conduct unbecoming is no joke and across the state (and in the area), teachers are losing their jobs/ certificates over this. When you put yourself in a questionable situation, you the adult, will be seen as guilty versus the child- whether the situation is totally innocent or not.

THINK– is it worth it?

Careful what you put on the internet!!!

DOYLESTOWN, Pa. (AP) — School officials in a district near Philadelphia say a high school English teacher posted profanity-laced rants online that labeled her students “out of control” and “disengaged, lazy whiners.” Central Bucks School District suspended Natalie Munroe with pay Wednesday after parents complained about the posts, which also targeted co-workers and administrators. District spokeswoman Carol Counihan tells the Bucks County Courier Times that Munroe admitting writing the posts. Superintendent Robert Laws says the posts should result in termination, but the district is still investigating. A phone listing for Munroe could not immediately be located Thursday. Counihan says the blog was taken down.

Our contract states that members of the LEA bargaining unit have until noon to report to school on bad weather days with no penalty and sick time not docked. So if it is bad, and you feel it is not safe, call your administrator and tell them you will be in when the weather clears before noon. Parents also have the right to not send their kids to school for the same reason, at no penalty to attendance.

Know Your Rights!!!
Before Trouble Starts…Know your rights! If you are called to a meeting with a supervisor which you think may turn into an accusatory proceeding, be certain to have an Association representative with you.
If you find yourself in a meeting which you did not expect to be accusatory, but which results in accusations against you or another person, ask for an adjournment of the meeting, make no comments on the issue at hand, and immediately consult with your Association representative to discuss the steps you should take.
Do not discuss the issue with a supervisor or attempt to defend yourself alone.
Do not make spontaneous replies to any charges.
Make absolutely no public statements about the matter.
Contact your Association representative immediately.

No Substitutes? You have the right to refuse to cover another teacher’s class. When an approved substitute is not available and a bargaining unit member agrees to assume an absent teacher’s instructional responsibility and/or duty…you are to be compensated $22.00 per hour, per class period or fraction thereof not to exceed $75.00 for a day’s assignment.
Don’t be intimidated into doing it. Contact your building rep if you have questions, concerns, or problems.